Monthly plans from XpressWeb
Why choose XpressWeb over Wix, Weebly or SquareSpace?
For 9 very good reasons ...
1. Pay similar monthly fees AND have your website built for you by a professional, just as you want it. Some website builders will charge up to £500 + VAT for this service, on top of your monthly plan!
2. Be up and running within 3 weeks
3. Enjoy the benefits of superior hosting & multiple mail accounts
4. Host two domains for free, for as long as you are with us
5. Enjoy a great Google page rank – guaranteed
6. Have personal, phone-based support
7. Leave us at any time (although we can't think why you would want to!)
8. Free yourself up to get on with setting up and running your business!
9. Be more profitable, sooner
£28.99 per month
We don't charge VAT
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